Qusayr Amra

Qusayr Amra is a Unesco World Heritage site, and one of the best stops on Desert Castle Loop. When looking for information about this desert castle, you will find Qusayr Amra sometimes referred to as Quseir Amra or Qasr Amra.

This is an 8th-century desert castle in Jordan with authentic frescoes, and beautiful paintings. Even after 1300 years, this structure houses a stunning set of very well-preserved frescoes, which beautifully decorate the dim interior of this desert castle.

Perhaps more impressive than the architecture, however, were the extensive frescoes that Musil found on the walls of the complex. The discovery of these paintings completely upended then-current scholarly understanding about figural representation in the early Islamic period. The paintings are uniquely Umayyad in subject matter and style, as no parallels are known from the Sasanian or Byzantine realms. One scene, for instance, depicts a pen of animals hunted by regal figures on horseback, while another shows nude women at the bath while men peep from above.